We are now offering Trees and Shrubs to feed and flavor your Honey. Keep our pollinators happy!! We are also affiliated with the
Audubon Society of North Carolina. We are pleased to announce that we have many verieties of Bird Friendly trees and shrubs. Feel free to set up an appointment to discuss your brid
friendly tree and shrub wants.
Sourwood: Gallon and 2 gallon sizes
Tulip Popular: Gallon and lager B&B upon request.
ServiceBerry: Gallon and 3 Gallon
Silky Dogwood: Gallon and 3 Gallon
Winter Berry Holly: Gallon and 3 Gallon
Spicebush: Gallon sizes
Privet Hedge: Gallon and 2 Gallon
HoneySuckle Bush: Gallon and 2 Gallon
Ninebark: Gallon sizes
Elderberry: Gallon sizes
Viburnum Arrowwood: Gallon Sizes
Highbush BlueBerry: Gallon and 2 Gallon Sizes
Basswod: 2 Gallon sizes
We are pleased to announce our new line of River Bank and Land Restoration shrubs. Please see below
pictures and sizes of our new line. We
now have the following in one gallon sizes:
Mountain Laurel
Forsythia (yellow bells)
Blue Flag Iris
River Birch Gallon
Cornus Florida Dogwood White Gallon
Sycamore Gallon
Winter Berry Holly
Rhododendron Maximum Native Rhododendron